Eagle Eye Renovations

The siding on your home is a strong and durable component of your building, but even so, you need to be prepared that your exterior panels will not last forever. Here are some signs that you need to replace your siding as soon as possible:

  • Cracked or loose components – these faults are usually caused by storms and they can rarely be repaired, the best solution being the replacement of the damaged component or of the entire wall covering;
  • Rot – while wood siding is arguably one of the most attractive siding options available today, the natural material is sensitive to prolonged exposure to moisture. When wood siding panels are in contact with excessive humidity for too long, they might develop rot. Building experts at Eagle Eye Renovations affirm that mild cases of rotten components might be repaired, but if the problem is extensive, replacement is a better option;
  • Hiking energy bills – if your energy bills are rising even though your electrical system is working correctly and you have not implemented any new consumers in your home, the problem might be caused by an energy leak in your home. To identify the point where energy is leaving your building, check the attic, the roof, the doors and the windows. If they seem intact, the culprit might be the siding that has lost its ability to insulate and should be replaced.