Eagle Eye Renovations

We all have our specific window cleaning technique that we swear by, but here are some unusual methods that can boost your efficiency:

  • Use tongs to clean the blinds – cleaning the accessories that are attached to your windows is a tedious task, especially in the case of accessories made up from many pieces. You can speed up the cleaning of your binds if you fasten a piece of microfiber cloth on each arm of a tong – grab each blade in the blind with the tong and swipe it along the piece to remove dust and dirt quickly;
  • Use a rain repellent product – rain repellents are most commonly used on car windshields, but they can do good service with the windows on your home, too. You can spray your windows from the original container or, for windows located in difficult to reach areas, you can add the product to water and apply it using a sponge mop attached to a pole;
  • Use your own cleaning solution – a simple solution made from water and dish soap will give you a window cleaner that is easy and quick to prepare and also much more efficient than many of the specialized products available in stores.

For more information on how to make your home and curb appeal the best it can be, make an appointment with Eagle Eye Renovations (https://www.eagleeyerenovations.com/) for top notch customer service you can trust and depend on.